About Claire Maratier

Daughter of artist Michel Kikoïne and founder of the Michel Kikoïne Foundation in his memory. A loyal, devoted and generous friend of the Faculty of the Arts.

Mrs. Maratier made a donation to Tel-Aviv University in order to establish the Michel Kikoïne Foundation, in remembrance of her father, as a new wing next to the Genia Schreiber University Art Gallery.


The wing includes a widespread gallery, an auditorium and seminar classes that serve the Faculty of the Arts as well as the university's community.


The corner stone next to the Michel Kikoïne Foundation was laid down in the presence of the board of governors in 2001, and the new wing was inaugurated in 2004.


With the establishment of the Michel Kikoïne Foundation Mrs. Maratier donated a collection of 40 works by the artist Michel Kikoïne to Tel-Aviv University.


These works, alongside information about the artist and the Parisian school he belonged, are displayed in the Michel Kikoïne Foundation.


Mrs. Maratier also established a prize for an Israeli artist in the field of painting, which is presented to the winning artist over the course of the university's board of governors' annual convention.


The prize was awarded to Maya Cohen-Levi (2008), Yehudah Porbukhraʼi (2009), Ruth Dorit Yaakovi (2010), Masha Zossman (2013) and Gilad Efrat (2015).


The Faculty of the Arts expresses condolences with the passing of
Claire Maratier


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