The “Drawing Art History” conference

26 January 2023, 9:00 - 17:00 
faculty of arts 
The “Drawing Art History” conference

The Gania Schreiber University Art Gallery invites you to participate in an international academic conference discussing the importance of drawing as a research tool in art history.

The conference will be a continuation of the exhibition currently on display in the university gallery - "Drawing Art History " which presents the drawings of some of the most important art historians in the world such as Meyer Schapiro, Clement Greenberg, Aby Warburg and more.


The “Drawing Art History” conference program:


Mexico Building, Room 206C






9:00-9:30 – Gathering


09:30-9:35 – Welcome - Dr. Tamar Mayer, TAU Gallery

09:35-9:45 – Greetings - Dean of the Faculty of the Arts, Prof. Arch. Eran Neuman

9:45-10:00 – Opening Remarks – Prof. Jérémie Koering, University of Fribourg 

First Panel – Chair – Darya Aloufy, TAU Gallery


10:00-10:30 - On the Collections of Art Historians’ Drawings at the INHA - Guy Mayaud, INHA

10:30-11:00 Epistemic Insights. Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle and Drawn Art History – Dr. Habil. Susanne Müller-Bechtel, Würzburg University

11:00-11:15 Discussion


Second Panel – Chair – Dr. Adi Louria Hayon, Tel Aviv University


11:30-12:00 The Skin of the Walls: Renaissance Painted Facades According to Art Historians' Drawings– Dr. Dominic-Alain Boariu, University of Fribourg

12:00-12:30 Between Writing and Drawing in Moshe Barasch’s Notebooks – Dr. Tamar Mayer, Tel Aviv University

12:30-13:00 Actuality and Potentiality - Expression in Art Historian’s Drawings – Prof. Kerstin Thomas, University of Stuttgart

13:00-13:15 Discussion


Third Panel – Chair, Prof. Hagi Kenaan, Tel Aviv University

14:15-14:45 Graphic Experiments in Art History – Prof. Jérémie Koering, University of Fribourg

14:45-15:15 Figuring the Other. Madeleine Rousseau’s Drawing Practice – Prof. Julia Gelshorn, University of Fribourg

15:15-15:30 Discussion

Keynote Lecture, Mexico Building, Room 200.


15:45-16:30 Drawing as an Art Historian – Prof. Dario Gamboni, University of Geneva (Emeritus)

16:30-16:45 Closing Discussion - Dario Gamboni, Nicolas Aiello, Jérémie Koering, Tamar Mayer 


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