guided tour at the "In the Mind's Eye" exhibition

with assistant curator Darya Aloufy

31 March 2023, 10:00 
The Gania Schreiber University Art Gallery 
Eshchar Hanoch Kliengbiel, mes(ə)njer, 2023. Photo: Elad Sarig

The exhibitions "In the Mind's Eye" and "Drawing Art History" at the Gania Schreiber University Art Gallery are open to the general public

The exhibitions include paid guided tours, which will be given by the gallery staff

The tours will be held on Fridays at 10:00

The price of the guided tour of the exhibition - 40 NIS per participant


buy tickets here


guided tours for groups - please call: 03-6408860


Opening Hours:

Tuesday: 12:00-20:00

Wed 10:00-16:00

Thursday 12:00-20:00

Fri 10:00-14:00


Entrance to the gallery through Antin Square, 64 Haim Levanon St.

Phone: +972-3-6408860


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