Guided tour at the In the Mind's Eye exhibition with Dr. Tamar Mayer

09 June 2023, 10:00 
Guided tour at the In the Mind's Eye exhibition with Dr. Tamar Mayer

The exhibitions "In the  Mind's Eye "  at the Gania Schreiber University Art Gallery at Tel Aviv University
are open to the general public

The gallery staff is happy to invite you to a guided tour (for a fee) of the new exhibitions.

The tours will take place on Fridays at 10:00

The price of the guided tour of the exhibition - 40 NIS per participant


to order tickets


To order guided tours for groups - you can order by phone: 03-6408860



Opening Hours:

Tuesday: 12:00-20:00

Wed 10:00-16:00

Thursday 12:00-20:00

Fri 10:00-14:00


Entrance to the gallery through Antin Square, 64 Haim Levanon St., corner of Einstein Tel Aviv

Phone: +972-3-6408860


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