The Archive of Israeli Music


Tel-Aviv University

David and Yolanda Katz Faculty of Arts

The Archive of Israeli Music 


The Archive of Israeli Music was founded in 1978 by Israeli Prize Winner , Prof.  Herzl Shmueli and Dr. Yohanan Ron. Facing two goals :


  1. Preserve the heritage of Israeli music creators, both classical and light music.
  2. Establish a constitution which will have a solid basis of Israeli music research .


The Israeli Music Archive absorbs over. 50 complete private and 10 institutional archives, each one contain between hundreds and  thousands items and over 300 which are only partial.

The material of the bequests consists of completed works; sketches in composers' own handwriting; photocopies and published (printed) works. It also holds letters, polemical correspondence and articles on new compositions or on musical theories, relevant, press cuttings, photographs, documents, as well as some recordings of various techniques (CD, cassettes, tapes etc.).


All the above constitute a foundation and the basis for systematic research and study of every aspect of music in Israel.


The Archive Music has also libraries and collections of 

books, magazines, sheet music (in print and manuscript); and concert programs, research works, educational materials and recordings materials.


The section of books contains over 300 titles on the subject of Israeli music as well as books written by Israeli musicologists. It also holds doctoral theses and MA dissertations


The section of magazines and periodicals includes 0ver 50, those published in Israel in Hebrew or in any foreign language the main subject of which is Israeli music and music life in Israel.


The library holds over 1500 printed sheet music by Israeli composers both artistic and light. This includes scores of single works, anthologies, song books and choir sheets published both in Israel and abroad


The collection of recording materials includes over 1500 songs and classical compositions.


Most of these materials are written and have been catalogued, along essays which were published in periodicals.


The Archive Music is open to students, researchers, musicians and everyone who is interested.    


The Archive of Israeli Music is a part of the Buchman-Mehta School of  Music , the David and Yolanda Katz Faculty of Arts, Tel Aviv University and is located at the Sourasky Central Library of Tel-Aviv University.


Reception hours:

Wednesday 12:00 - 15:00


Tel: 03- 6406489


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