
Studies towards a B.A. degree


The curriculum for a B.A. degree offers an extensive and comprehensive critical study in the current, diverse fields of media of the visual arts: architecture, design, painting and sculpting, drawing and graphic arts from the ancient period, the middle-ages, Islam art, the Renaissance, Baroque, modern art and current Israeli art. The artistic creation and its meanings are studies from a point of view of the current critical discourse, with reference to the creator's individual creation, the status of the artists and their affinities to different audiences, the dialogue they perform with addressees of the creations, as well as the different functions of art inside the field of visual art.


The department nurtures an independent and critical thought and offers interdisciplinary and inter-textual methodological approaches. The development of the artistic movements is studied from a wide point of view, within approaches that comprehend the visual expression in its cultural and social contexts.



The Art History Instruction track


This track is intended for graduates of the Department of Art History in the single-major and double-major tracks who are interested in teaching in high-schools.


The studies take place in the school of education for the duration of two years.


Administration (and address for detail inquiries): secretariat office for study planning, Tel. 972-3-6406045. Further details can be found in the school of education's Yedion.



Studies towards a B.A. degree


The M.A. degree curriculum offers a specialization in art history in one of the following fields: Ancient history art, middle-ages art, Islam art, Renaissance and Baroque art, Modern and current art, and Israeli art.

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