Expressivity and Creativity track

Expressivity and Creativity


Studies toward M. A. degree


This unique track, included in the Interdisciplinary Program in the Arts, offers knowledge and exploration of creativity and modes of artistic expression. The in-depth discussion of these issues is carried out in various fields of art and media – visual arts, stage arts, performance, design, architecture, screen arts, and music, and the mutual affinities between them.


The studies in expression and creation in the arts are discussed through mental processes, self-presentations, and perceptions related to the creative subject and its reflection.


Along with it, expression and creation are dealt with as a social, group, and educational project involving an audience and community. The studies in the track consist of seminars, including applied seminars that contain a practical component.


The curriculum also includes core classes: a departmental seminar on a selected topic presented from different angles by guest lecturers from the faculty and outside; course that deals with central aesthetic issues; and a methodological seminar for interdisciplinary research, which ends with a student conference where the research results are presented.


This up-to-date track does not provide a caretaker certificate. However, it enriches those who possess a degree in therapy or caretaker certificate, teachers with an academic background in various fields of art, creators and theorists, community artists, and students who wish to expand their knowledge and explore issues and modes of expression in various arts.


The M.A. degree is completed with a final exam. 

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