Teachers, Researchers & Assistants - General

Ohad YehieliYolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsSchool of Architecture
Yevgeny YehudinYolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsBUCHMANN-MEHTA SCHOOL OF MUSIC
Dr. Dikla YizharYolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsSchool of Architecture
Dr. Shiber YoavYolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsSchool of Architecture
Dan YuhasYolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsBUCHMANN-MEHTA SCHOOL OF MUSIC
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Itay ZakaiYolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsSchool of Architecture
Anat Zamsh RigelYolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsDepartment of Theatre Arts
Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts
Prof. Anat[Anat Zanger] ZangerYolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsThe Steve Tisch School of Film and Television
Michael ZartsekelYolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsBUCHMANN-MEHTA SCHOOL OF MUSIC
Dr. Keren ZdafeeYolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsHistory of Art Department
Dr. Ohad ZehaviYolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts
Elite ZexerYolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsThe Steve Tisch School of Film and Television
Shay ZnatiYolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsBUCHMANN-MEHTA SCHOOL OF MUSIC
Nataly[Nataly] ZukermanYolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsDepartment of Theatre Arts


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