Circulation Policies

Circulation policies

 Library materials may be borrowed for the following lengths of time:

  • Overnight (no renewal)
  • Three Days
  • One Week
  • Periodicals and reference books may be checked out for up to two hours (no renewal)


Patrons may check out up to 8 books.  


Please note:

It is the borrower's responsibility to check the due dates. 

  • By signing in to your library user account through DaTA:
                           My Account > List of Active Loans.
  • Via MyTAU app for mobile phones


Loan period is renewed automatically to a maximum of 6 months, excluding the below listed:

  • The books has been reserved by another user;
  • The user account is in arrears ;
  • The six months period has expired;
  • User account has expired (or soon to be);
  • Item is on fixed loan period which does not renew automatically.


Notification about non-renewal will be sent out via eMail (TAU mailbox) only.


Fines and fees –

Failure to return library items on time will result in late fees as follows:

 Periodicals and reference books                              – 10 NIS per hour.

 Overnight/Three days/week -borrowing period               – 10 NIS per day.

Fines will continue to accumulate daily on all overdue items until the item is returned;

Borrowing privileges will be suspended for cardholders with fines and fees.


Payment method – Credit Card only.

 Returning books:

Books shall be returned at the circulation desk. When the library is closed, books may be returned to the book-return-box located near the entrance. It is the user’s responsibility to verify that the return has been credited. Notify the library as soon as possible if you think an error has occurred. 

Using The Library’s online catalog, you may request

 1. To reserve an overnight loan books. Please note that these requests expire automatically at the end of the day.

 2. To reserve books with a 3 day/week loan period currently on loan.

Once you receive notification that your items are available, you have 2 days to pick them up before they are returned to shelves. Please collect all items being held for you at once.

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