The David Davidov Scholarship Fund


David Davidov, 1890-1975

Father of the professional Hebrew theatre, director actor and painter

In the sketch: David Davidov, self-portrait



David Davidov was born in 1890 in Lodz, Russia (today's Poland).

He obtained his professional education in Leipzig, Germany.


Since he was a boy, he was recognized for his great talent, which granted him a scholarship to the National Conservatory, a rare occurrence in that time period for an Eastern-European born Jewish child.


Davidov acted in Germany and Britain – first in English and then in Yiddish. He was later sent as a Yiddish theatre representative in England to the Yiddish theatre congress in Kiev, Russia, where he joined a Yiddish theatre group as an actor and a director and together with the group toured Russia and China.


In 1919 Davidov immigrated to Israel and served as a signal officer between our national institutions and the Mandate government for a year.  He worked for the Employment Occupation for the Jewish employee in the state's railroad system, an operation which met with great success.


In 1920 he founded the first professional theatre in the state – "The Hebrew Theatre" – where he directed over 100 plays from the Yiddish and the International repertoire.


In 1925 Davidov was invited to join the Israeli Theatre as an actor, and over the years he played many roles in movies produced in Israel in those years.


His immense activity in those fields was interrupted by a disease, and in the Thirties he was forced to move away from the theatre – however he did not abandon the art. Davidov found relief for his artistic talents in drawing and painting.


In 1975 Davidov passed away in Meir Hospital, Kfar-Saba.


The David Davidov Scholarship Fund, from the establishment of Rita Goldberg, grants each year subsistence scholarships for students of the Department of Theatre Arts in Tel-Aviv University.

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