Depth of Field: Tisch Book Series in Film and Television

Published by "Am Oved" in collaboration with Tel Aviv University

15 February 2022
Depth of Field: Tisch Book Series in Film and Television

The Steve Tisch School of Film and Television at Tel Aviv University founded in 2016 the book series "Depth of Field (OMEK SADE) - Tish Series of Film and Television" published by "Am Oved" Publishing House in collaboration with the Steve Tisch School of Film and Television. The series deals with the various aspects, Historical and Aesthetic, of the cinematic medium, while giving priority to Israeli film and television research, with the aim of revealing original research works from Israel.That, in addition to translations of classical and contemporary research for researchers, students and the general public, as an encouragement for creating a critical, up-to-date cinematic discourse in Israel.


in the picture, some of the books covers

In the picture: some of the book covers


for the updated catalouge of the series

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