About Yolanda and David Katz

David Katz was born in 1911 in Bucovina and immigrated with his family to Venezuela, where he founded the first Hebrew school in Caracas and served as the first president of the CAIV (Confederacion de Associaciones Israelitas de Venezuela). In 1929 he became a Zionist activist and worked with the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.


In all his activity he exceled in the fostering and promotion of the Jewish community of Venezuela and its relationship with the state of Israel. In particular his contribution to Tel-Aviv university in both achievements and resource donation was prominent: he founded the English-Speaking Friends of Tel Aviv University Association in Venezuela, was the association's first president, and in time – its honorary president. David Katz was also among the University's board of governors.


In 1972 he and his wife donated a donation to the founding of the Arts Faculty in Tel Aviv University, and the Faculty bears their names: The Yolanda and David Katz Faculty of the Arts.


In 1984 David Katz was awarded the "Tel Aviv University Honorary Associate" title by the board of governors.


David Katz passed away on 2013 in Los Angeles.


He left a daughter and a son: Dr. Vivien Zighelboim and Michael Moshe Katz.

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