Teaching staff
Search results for the letter M
Name | Unit | Job title | Expertise | Phone | Fax | |
Gali Maaravi Levi | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | 03-6408412 | ||||
Prof. Vered Maimon | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | HISTORY OF ARTS | 03-6408482 | |||
Dr. Liora Malka | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Amir Mann | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Amir Manor | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Samuel Maoz | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Shai Marcus | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Guy Margalit | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Prof. Moshe Margalith | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | Retired | Architecture | 02-5667991 | ||
Prof. Talia Margalith | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | Architecture | 03-6405553 | |||
Dr. Ruth Markus | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | Retired | HISTORY OF ARTS | 03-6408482 | 03-6992477 | |
Tamar Marom | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Noam Massarik | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Yair Matan | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Dafna Matok | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | Architecture | 03-6405556 | 03-6959691 | ||
Dr. Tamar Mayer | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | Curatorial Studies | ||||
Daniel Mazaki | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
MISS Elena Mazor | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Yael Mazor | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Daniel Meir | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | 03-6405535 | ||||
Dr. Naomi Meiri-Dann | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | 03-6405552 | ||||
Dr. Naama Meishar | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Dr. Annabelle Melzer | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | Retired | ||||
Amit Melzer | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Rachel[cheli] Menashe | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | 03-6405400 | 03-6406371 | |||
Ran Mendelson | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Dr. Noa Merkin | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Dr. Keren Metrany | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | ||||||
Dr. Edina Meyer-Maril | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | Retired | HISTORY OF ARTS | 03-6408482 | 03-6407781 | |
Eyal Migdalovich | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Ella Migirov | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Eyal Millet | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Layla Moallem | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Dr. Miri Moavshaked | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Joao Mogadouro | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Daniel Moisa | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Sharon Montifiori Gilan | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | 03-6405455 | ||||
Maya Mor | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | 03-6408482 | ||||
Pinchas Moshe | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Salomon Moshe | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | Architecture | 03-6405556 | |||
Yariv Mozer | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Iris Mualem | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | |||||
Prof. Ben-Tzion Munitz | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts | Retired | Theatre Arts | 03-6408612 | 03-6291089 | |
Hadar Mutsafi | Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts |