Teaching staff

Tel Aviv University Leadership

Search results for the letter Z

NameUnitJob titleExpertisePhoneFaxE-mail
Anat Zamsh RigelYolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts
Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts
Prof. Anat[Anat Zanger] ZangerYolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsEmeritusFILM AND TELVISION
Yolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsFILM AND TELVISION
Michael ZartsekelYolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts
Dr. Keren ZdafeeYolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts
Dr. Ohad ZehaviYolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts
Elite ZexerYolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts
Sofia ZilberYolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts
Orit ZillerYolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts
Prof. David ZinderYolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsEmeritusTheatre Arts
Prof. Asaf[asaf zippor] ZipporYolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsFILM AND TELVISION
Shay ZnatiYolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts
Michal ZoharYolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts
Dr. Ayelet ZoharYolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsHISTORY OF ARTS
Prof. Asaf ZoharYolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsMUSIC
Prof. Hillel ZoriYolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsMUSIC
2513 (internal)
Prof. Arnon ZuckermanYolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsEmeritus
Prof. Moshe ZuckermannYolanda David Katz Faculty of the ArtsHISTORY OF SCIENCE AND IDEAS
Nataly[Nataly] ZukermanYolanda David Katz Faculty of the Arts
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