New Recording! Le tombeau de Claude Debussy

The Buchmann-Mehta School of Music New CD with NAXOS A new project led by Prof. Tomer Lev, Head Music School, celebrating 100 years to "Le Tombeau de Claude Debussy"

01 February 2021
New Recording! Le tombeau de Claude Debussy

In December 1920, two years after Claude Debussy’s untimely death, the editors of the renowned Parisian musical magazine La Revue musicale published a special issue dedicated to the composer’s memory. At its heart was a joint memorial composition by prominent composers of the time. Each paid tribute to the late master in their own typical style while also reflecting on Debussy’s aesthetic, creating a kind of musical ‘time capsule’ of Paris in this unique historical period. From Dukas’ final piano work to Stravinsky’s monumental chorale, this is the first complete recording—made for its centenary—of Le Tombeau with the related works that proceeded from it.





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