Recorded Auditions

Recorded Auditions

Recorded Auditions


We highly recommend all applicants to attend a live audition. However, we realize that it is not always possible for applicants to make the necessary accommodation.


If you are unable to audition live, and wish to send a recorded audition instead, please read carefully the following guidelines:


1. Recordings must be received by the recorded audition submission date. To view the dates click here

2. You will be required to provide a YouTube link with your recording and to email it to

    Please adjust the settings so the panel can access the link (the video must be public or unlisted but not private).

3. HD quality and digital sound are required.

4. You can separate the movements or choose to record in one take.

5. Do not edit each track or manipulate the sound.

6. Pianists must play from memory.

7. The repertoire for the recorded audition is the same as the live audition requirements.

8. Piano accompaniment is mandatory (if the piece calls for an accompaniment).


* Do not mail CDs, DVDs, or any other digital materials. All the recordings should be submitted and available by a YouTube link.

* Please check other users can view your video on YouTube before submitting your application.

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