Contact Us - The Buchmann-Mehta School of Music


The Buchmann-Mehta School of Music is located in the Tel Aviv University Campus in Tel Aviv, Israel


International Program room 6, Tel: +972-36409505

Andy Feldbau, International Program Manager


Our Mailing address:

The Buchmann-Mehta School of Music

Tel Aviv University

P.O. Box 39040

Tel Aviv 6997801, Israel


Head of School , room 39, Tel: +972-36408415

Dr. Uri Rom, Head of School

Anat Bader, Secretary to the Head of School


Adi Rosencrantz, Academic Advisor

Reception hours:

Thu 13:00-14:00


Administrative Office room 38, Tel: +972-3-6408415

Ayala Atzmon, Administrative Manager


Studies Coordinator Office room 4, Tel: +972-36408418

Adi Feld, Studies Coordinator


The Buchmann-Mehta Symphony Orchestra

Orchestra Manager: room 2, Tel: +972-36407463

Amit Melzer, Orchestra Manager


Productions Office room 5, Tel: +972-36406757

Motti Pearlman, Head of Productions

Daniel Ring  Digital, Masterclasses, Competitions & Choirs


Site Manager room 3, Tel: +972-36408548

Office hours:

Sun-Thu   07:00 - 22:00

Fri           07:00 - 13:00


The M. Grinsten Music Library Tel: +972-36408716

Anna Kuffler, Library Manager

Library opening hours:

Sun-Thu  10:00 - 17:45

The Recording Studio Tel: +972-36406566

Rafi Eshel , recording studio 


Heads of Departments and Programs


Head of  the String Instruments Department

Prof. Hillel Zori


Head of the Piano Department 

Prof. Asaf Zohar


Head of the Wind Instruments Department

Mr. Guy Eshed


Head of the Chamber Music Department

Prof. Arnon Erez


Head of the Orchestral Training Program

Mr. Yoel Abadi


Head of the Vocal Department

Prof. Sharon Rostorf


Head of the Theory

Mr. Adi Rosenkranz


Head of the Musicology Department

Prof. Michal Grover- Friedlander


Head of Composition studies

Prof. Ruben Serousi


Head of the Orchestral Conducting Program

Mr. Yoav Talmi


Head of Choral Conducting Program

Prof. Ronen Borshevsky

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