Audition repertoire and requirements - Undergraduate studies

Audition repertoire and requirements -  Undergraduate studies


Audition repertoire and requirements - Undergraduate studies
Percussion & Harp


1)    Snare- Etude/ Composition with Rudiments elements

2)    Mallets- One composition for 2 mallets, one composition for 4 mallets

3)    Timpani- one Etude/ Composition or two orchestra excerpts with different musical periods.


Multi Percussion- Composition for Multi Percussion or Drum-set.

Please make sure that the school has all instruments needed for your audition.




1) An advanced etude by Buchsa, Dizi or Schmidt

2) A sonata by Naderman or Sonatina by Dussek

3) A prelude from 5 preludes by Carlos Salzedo

4) Menuet by Hasselman

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